Titans #7 ties in to the Beast War event. The team has to protect their own home as Brother Eternity and Tempest invade the tower.
Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 has two stories of Miles Morales facing off against Venom are featured, with one from a many years ago
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #15 is part of the Gang War event. More backup arrives to help Miles fight both his uncle and the Hobgoblin.
Daredevil: Gang War #2 gives more exposure to a mysterious newcomer that is close to besting Elektra within this tie-in.
Ultimate Spider-Man #1 starts the ongoings within the new Ultimate Universe with a city that is recovering from a horrendous attack.
Avengers #9 unleashes a full battle between both teams, pitting the Avengers and the Twilight Court against one another at their most powerful.
Titans: Beast War #4 increases the gravitas of the event with a cataclysmic battle that will lead to both scars and consequences.
Outsiders #3 continues to investigate new ways of telling superhero stories, featuring a pocket dimension full of Batmen and Batwomen.
Amazing Spider-Man #41 is the next part of Gang War. Kingpin returns to New York as he and Tombstone seek to protect both of their children.
Titans: Beast War: World Tour – Atlantis #1 takes the Beast War to the ocean, where Aquaman and others may regret their isolated location.
Uncanny X-Men Issue 10 forces the younger heroes to fight to survive, because the older X-Men aren’t coming to save them.