Marvel Comics
Blade: Red Band #1 brings Blade out of his self-enforce isolation and back into hunting monsters, with him assuming control of his body.
Storm #1 explores Ororo Monroe’s humanity and godlike abilities, dening her into a disaster where the ramifications will be extreme.
NYX (2024) #3 continues to be something different. The story shifts to Anole just as another young mutant’s life ends and the community gathers.
Uncanny X-Men #3 settles down and gives the new team the opportunity to learn about themselves with a Danger Room session.
Dazzler #1 could not be any more prevalent, with singers and other celebrities being pressured into either making a stand or keeping quiet.
Avengers #18 sees the team try and stop the world’s most powerful superhero from hitting the Earth, resorting to drastic solutions.
Uncanny X-Men #2 introduces a selection of new mutants, but they have found a team that aren’t quite sure if they even are X-Men anymore.
Wolverine #1 (2024) returns to the wilderness, but Wolverine will not be able to stay there for long when friends and foes come looking.