DC Comics
Batman: The Knight #2Â finds Bruce Wayne dealing with the twin pitfalls of adolescence and grand larceny in Paris on his road to Bathood.
Detective Comics #1052 adds some more layers to the Day 19 fallout. Come on over and I’ll tell you what you can expect in this issue.
Superman: Son of Kal-El #8Â is one of the most compelling stories for Jon Kent so far, as it forces our young Superman to make tough choices.
Justice League Annual 2022 #1 pits the Justice League against an army of beings lost in time, and Wonder Woman has returned to the group.
I Am Batman #6Â moves, Jace Fox, to New York City and sets up a new villain and new status quo, giving the title a much-needed fresh start.
Justice League Incarnate #4Â revisits the past and present of the DC Universe to set up the finale of the “Infinite” Saga’s second act.
Detective Comics #1051 brings us behind the scenes of the madness that is Arkham Tower. It’s so bad it’s great, and I want to tell you about it!
Dark Knights of Steel #4Â reveals the origin of its medieval universe’s Batman, which is laced with equal amounts of tragedy and triumph.
Monkey Prince #1 is a fantastic first issue for DC’s newest hero, as Gene Luen Yang writes a fantastical yet relatable story.
Harley Quinn #11 continues the series after a shattering conclusion last issue. Harley has to catch a train as Keepsake makes a move.