DC Comics
Stargirl The Lost Children #3 from DC Comics introduces us to the Lost superhero kids of the 1940s. Geoff Johns scripts this issue.
The Flash #791 ramps up the energy of The One-Minute War with a tragic death in the family as the Speedsters reel from the attack.
Nightwing #100 is a double-sized issue setting up our guy as the premiere hero in DC Comics. Having conquered the Great Darkness, Nightwing is on a roll
Lazarus Planet Assault On Krypton #1 from DC Comics describes the various ways the new Lazarus Resin’s magical rain afflicts Kryptonian characters
Lazarus Planet Alpha #1 is the start of a longer crossover, beautifully atmospheric as a magic storm engulfs the entire world.
WildCATS #3 is a chaotic revolution of grudges and more for our hard-pressed antiheroes. Come read my review to get the scoop!
The Flash #790 is the start of a new arc called The One-Minute War, bringing all of the Flash Family into the fold to face something big.
Tales from Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee #1 pays tribute to the legendary comic book creator and revisits his take on DC’s icons.
Harley Quinn #25 has elevated the current arc into one that delves into the Multiverse, bringing characters in from alternate worlds.
Action Comics #1050 nails it in every way & highlights some epic Superman stories to come. Check out my review & get this book!