DC Comics
WildC.A.T.S #8 brings the plot together while spiraling Grifter more out of touch via multiversal shenanigans
Spirit World #2 offers a greater look into Xanthe’s familial backstory for along with more madness to explore in the afterlife
Shazam #2 is full of energy and intrigue as the rest of the family is introduced. Billy struggles the comprehend what happened last issue.
Just when I think this series can’t get any better, enter Batman #136 to knock me out of my socks. Get this issue!
The Flash #800 is a celebration of Wally West, as legendary creators return to help see a transition between creator runs.
DC Pride 2023 #1 is an anthology collection of stories featuring DC’s queer characters told by an army of superstar creators,
Power Girl Special #1 is out and it is a riot of great art, story, and color you should definitely have in your hands
Detective Comics #1072 from DC Comics finally pits Batman against all the Orghams, and I’m right there to review the fight
Spirit World #1 from DC Comics brings a new mystical hero into the DCU with nifty abilities and a great backstory you need to see
Harley Quinn #30 is a weird and wonderful world, blending pitch-black humor with cartoon antics as all rules are obliterated.