DC Comics
Action Comics #1056 tells three glorious tales of heroism and teamwork that you need to dig into this week! Nothing boring about Superman in this issue.
Green Arrow #3 is a spacertime twisting adventure packed with a great story and a huge heart that you’ll absolutely enjoy!
Nightwing #105 offers a unique perspective on its title hero and aims to pull the reader in. It mostly succeeds
Wonder Woman #800 looks at its titular character through the lens of some of her closest allies in its heartfelt main story.
Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow #3 keeps the cosmic adventure exciting by shifting the tone, turning much darker and more mysterious.
Cyborg #2 has a plotline full of intruge and mystery, but many poor deisgn choices in the writing and the art let it down.
The Vigil #2 is a classic superhero book with the right drops of action, suspense, and character drama you need
Titans #2 is a well crafted issue that offers a fun mystery but really shines in how it depicts each member of the team
Batgirls #19 sees Cass, Steph, and Babs finally confront their would-be killer in this final climatic issue to their series.
Green Lantern #2 features two stories on extreme ends of a Green Lantern comic. One stays on Earth whilst the other explores the universe.