DC Comics
Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1 is part of the Knight Terrors event. Wonder Woman’s nightmare includes John Constantine and Detective Chimp.
Knight Terrors: Punchline #1 is part of the Knight Terrors event. Punchline’s nightmare includes gliders and clock towers.
The Vigil #3 from DC is a gripping tale of countrespionage and spy games with great tension and beautiful artwork you need to own.
Knight Terrors: Shazam #1 is part of the Knight Terrors Event. Mary Marvel’s nightmare involves lightning, bugs and housefires
Knight Terrors: Robin #1 is part of the Knight Terrors: Robin #1. Tim Drake and Jason Todd’s nightmares includes crowbars and boomerangs
Knight Terrors #1 is a part of the latest DC Comics event set in the waking world where Deadman finds out information about DC’s newest villain.
Knight Terrors: The Flash #1 is part of the Knight Terrors event. The Flash’s nightmare contains eyelids, gorillas and treadmills.
Knight Terrors: Zatanna #1 is part of the Knight Terrors event. Zatanna’s waking nightmare has dinosaur skeletons and mazes.
Spirit World #3 from DC Comics blows open the Chinese afterlife in a beautiful, dangerous way and you should join our hero there!
Knight Terrors: Green Lantern: #1 is part of the Knight Terrors event. Green Lantern’s nightmare involves jets, coffins and dismembered fingers.