DC Comics
Speed Force #1 bursts out of the pages of the Flash and tells a story featuring its own speedsters, Kid Flash and Avery Ho.
Batman and Robin #3 introduces Batman and Robin to the new villain and they must protect another criminal from her wrath.
Batman #139 picks up the pieces after the Gpotham War, With Batman forced to hunt the Joker completely alone, and with nothing but his suit.
Blue Beetle #3 features an adventurous aside from Palmera City, as Jaime turns to his ex and a bar for sorcerers for help.
Shazam #5 brings adopted brother and sister back together to bring this intergalactic miscommunication to a close.
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1 ends the crossover by bringing the Bat-Family back together, broken by their own actions.
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #1 is a wartime adventure that is also a forbidden romance story, as Alan Scott’s relationship is revealed.
Amazons Attacks #1 expands on the massive consequences of the attack in the main Wonder Woman series, with all of the Amazon tribes affected.
The Flash #2 rips up the rulebook regarding the physics of the DC Universe, providing a mesmerizing reaction to the Speed Force.
Wonder Woman #2 is a relentless battle issue, seeing Wonder Woman face tests in both the past and the present, including a whole US Army battalion.