DC Comics
Scooby Apocalypse #34 published by DC Comics continues the story of the gang and their adventures through an atomic wasteland as they fight for mankind.
In ‘The Batman Who Laughs #3’ the Dark Knight enlisted the help of James Gordon Jr. to stop the Batman Who Laughs but the Grim Knight is hot on their trail
Superman #8 continues the reunion of Clark and Lois with their, now noticeably older, son and his interations with his grandfather, Jor-el.
‘Hawkman #9’ sees Carter Hall, close to desperate, seek out an old friend from an earlier issue to help him stop the Deathbringers.
In ‘Young Justice #2’ the Gem World’s hellscape is readily apparent as Amethyst standing her ground against her homeworld and those running it.
‘Batman #64’ marks the first of four issues of the Batman/Flash crossover event series, “The Price of Justice,” from DC Comics.
In ‘Green Lantern #4’ the rogue sun eaters are eating their way through the cosmos keeping the Green Lantern Corps hands full.
In ‘Female Furries #1’ a new threat on the horizon and the forever people closing in but Darkseid refuses to send the Furies to the frontlines
Absolute Batman #2 (2024) calms down slightly, but it still features the same ridiculous, heavy metal action of the first issue.