DC Comics
‘Year of the Villain #1’ is a jam-packed start of a new event from DC Comics following the Legion of Doom as led by Lex Luther.
‘Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #1’ finds Batman and the Ninja Turtles stopping a robbery but things get out of hand
In ‘DCeased #1,’ Tom Taylor brings horrific poetry to set up for the devastation of the DC Universe. Zombie outbreak spread through social media? Buckle up.
‘Nightwing #59’ starts off a new storyline, “City Ablaze,” and gives us background into Malcolm Hutch, one of the Nightwings.
Catwoman #10 finds Selina facing off with the Penguin and facing her past. This is an issue that tosses back in forth in the scale of time.
The series’ finale, Scooby Apocalypse #36 series is out now. But did it live up to being a worthy conclusion? Not particularly
Superman #10 is titled, “Unity Saga: House of El, Part 4” and is published by DC Comics, written by Brian Micheal Bendis, with art by Ivan Reis
‘Detective Comics #1001’ follows as Batman takes on the new villain the Arkham Knight, but not the one from Rocksteady’s video game.
Absolute Batman #2 (2024) calms down slightly, but it still features the same ridiculous, heavy metal action of the first issue.