Dorohedoro follows Caiman and his friend, Nikaido, as they search for the Sorcerer responsible for turning Caiman’s head into a lizard.
Author: Quinn
Those Who Remain is a story-driven game that offers an excellent atmospheric horror experience that will test both your sanity and morality.
Risk of Rain 2 is a roguelike video game that puts you in the shoes of a survivor that has crash-landed on an unknown planet full of hostile fauna.
The best indie games are those that have some sort of deeper meaning to them—here are five that reflect on life.
Good representation of transgender and non-binary folks are hard to come by in video games—here are a few characters that were done right.
Pathologic 2 puts you in the shoes of a surgeon who returns to his hometown which is being torn apart by the plague.
Transformers: The Manga Vol. 2 brings us three classic stories from the ‘80s G1 era of Transformers. If you’re feeling nostalgic, check out this manga.
Psychological horror games have been on the rise in the past few years. So here are Quinn’s top 10 horror games everyone should check out.