‘Batman: Overdrive’ follows a young Bruce Wayne on his journey to process the grief of his parents’ death before he took up the mantle.
Author: Lizzy Garcia
‘Take Out Girl’ follows Tera Wong who gets the opportunity to make more money when a local drug Kingpin wants her to move his “product.”
‘The Plot Part #1’ follows Chase Blaine, who is forced to take custody of his niece and nephew after their parents were murdered.
‘McMillions,’ the six-part documentary, continues with its fourth episode, titled “Episode 4,” which follows the events after Jerry Columbo’s death.
‘McMillions,’ the six-part HBO documentary, continues with “Episode 3” as the producers speak to million-dollar winner Gloria Brown.
In Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #8, Jimmy is reminded about his one-night marriage stand and forced to leave everything behind.
In ‘Batman #89,’ The Dark Knight drops Penguin off at the hospital and leaves to fight off the swam of assassins that have descended on Gotham City.
‘Superman Smashes the Klan Part Three’ finds Superman saving the Daily Planet, Lois Lane, Perry White, and Inspector Henderson from the Klan’s attack.