Standalone manga Dr. STONE Reboot: Byakuya focuses on the titular Byakuya mere hours after the stone apocalypse of the main series.
Author: Cy Catwell
Heterogenia Linguistico Volume 2 continues to follow Hakada and Susuki as they travel around the Netherworld and learn lots of new languages.
Idoly Pride Episode 7 steps back from the plot with an easy-going day off for the girls of Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace.
In Otherside Picnic Episode 8, Sorawo and Toriko find themselves in a pretty clawful situation when they encounter some cats who have studied the blade.
A Sign of Affection Volume 1 centers Japanese Sign Language and communication in a sweet story all about friendship, college, and falling in love.
In Heterogenia Linguistico Volume 1, readers meet Hakaba, a linguist who seeks to understand and communciate with the denizens of the monstrous Netherworld.
The Promised Neverland Episode 6 sees the return of Norman, as well as a dramatic shift away from the kind heart of the show.
Wonder Egg Priority Episode 6 closes its first half with new magical items, sidekicks, and a solid cliffhanger sure to hook viewers for the next episode.