Riot Forge’s latest, Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story is open now for pre-order on all relevant digital storefronts.
Author: But Why Tho?
In 2023 there were a number of international movies that captures our hearts, broke them, and were just a great time, here are the top.
Our Top TV Shows of 2023 showcases the diversity of genre of talent available on streaming platforms and beyond.
Gaming is even better with someone else, and the top co-op games of 2023 all made the base campaigns even better with the community.
Animated movies deserve love too, so we decided to round-up our favorite animated movies in 2023 from across country, genre, and age-group.
To wrap up a year of anime, we asked the But Why Tho? writing staff and editors to rank their top anime of 2023.
With so many amazing films this year, narrowing it down has been hard. Still, our staff chose the top 25 movies of 2023.
It’s been a long cozy, adventurous, action-packed, and so much more year and out top indie games of 2023 captures that.