Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 21 is a Japanese Netflix Original anime directed by Ayumu Watanabe and animated by Studio OLM. This slice-of-life comedy anime is an adaptation of the popular manga series created by Tomohito Oda. The voice acting cast for the Komi Can’t Communicate consists of Aoi Koga (Love is War) as Shouko Komi, Gakuto Kajiwara (Fire Force) as Hitohito Tadano, and Rie Murakawa (Re: Zero) as Najimi Osana.
Komi Can’t Communicate centers on a young high school girl named Shoko Komi. Everyone considers Komi a “cool beauty” because of her stunning physical appearance, striking eyes, and quiet demeanor. She suffers from social anxiety, which significantly affects her ability to communicate with others, let alone make friends. Luckily with the help of her friend Tadano, she works to overcome her communication disorder to achieve her dream of making 100 friends.
In Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 21, on the second day of their school trip Komi and her group mates Ayami Sasaki and Mikuni Kato have a full day to explore Kyoto on their own. Unfortunately, some awkwardness and tensions arise as they make their way through a meticulously planned trip throughout the Kansai area. Later on, Komi and her newfound friends discuss each other’s crushes.
Episode 21 might be my favorite episode of this Komi Can’t Communicate season due to the excellent character chemistry between Komi, Kato, and Sasaki. At the start of the school trip story arc, Kato and Sasaki are relatively unknown characters, with this being the first time they appear. When the trio first meets, they are too nervous to talk to one another. In contrast, Komi is nervous about meeting and traveling with new people. Kato and Sasaki are worried they might be too dull for Komi due to her popularity and usually being surrounded by much more eccentric classmates.
Compared to Komi’s other more eccentric classmates and friends, one would assume Sasaki and Kato to be pretty normal. However, as the episode proceeds, Komi, Kato, and Sasaki slowly but surely find common ground and bond. More importantly, Sasaki and Kato better understand Komi as a person and don’t put her on a pedestal like their other classmates. Towards the end of the episode, I was genuinely surprised at how much I enjoyed watching the trio engage with one another. In my opinion, Komi needs more friends like Kato and Sasaki, who don’t worship her but instead can be her true confidants that she can tell them anything. Such as telling them about her secret crush on Tadano.
Another significant part of Episode 21 is how it portrays female friendships as relatable, especially when there is tension amongst a group. An excellent example is when Kato and Sasaki argue about the fully packed schedule Kato put together. This friction between the two results in a tense atmosphere forming amongst the group. Thankfully, Komi intervenes, which helps them realize they were both wrong and can reconcile quickly. I appreciate that Komi Can’t Communicate female friendships in such a relatable way. Many people can relate to getting into an argument with friends, which can be awkward, tense, and uncomfortable. Episode 21 captured all of these feelings in the scene between Kato and Sasaki. It also shows another part of friendships is that the people in them learn how to reconcile their issues and forgive one another.
Lastly, Episode 21 does a great job bringing a close to three-episode arc centered on Komi’s first class trip. The storytelling and pacing in the last three episodes have been tremendous, but Episode 21 stands out the most because it brings everything full circle in an entertaining and heartwarming way. One of Komi’s biggest fears about going on a class trip was not being able to communicate with her group mates and missing out on all of the fun activities. Throughout the arc, we see Komi gradually gets out of her shell and can enjoy every aspect of her first class trip with her classmates. From hot spring baths, pillow fights, amusement parks, and exploring various parts of Kyoto, Komi participates and bonds with her classmates in ways she didn’t think she could before.
I can’t recommend watching Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 21 enough. The chemistry between Komi, Kasaki, and Kato is adorable and delightful to watch blossom on screen as they bond. The portrayal of female friendship and how they can overcome conflict is very relatable. Overall, Episode 21 brings a beautiful close to the three-episode arc centered on Komi’s first class trip.
Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 21 is streaming now on Netflix.
Komi Can't Communicate Episode 21
I can’t recommend watching Komi Can’t Communicate Episode 21 enough. The chemistry between Komi, Kasaki, and Kato is adorable and delightful to watch blossom on screen as they bond. The portrayal of female friendship and how they can overcome conflict is very relatable. Overall, Episode 21 brings a beautiful close to the three-episode arc centered on Komi’s first class trip.