Last time with the Pretty Boys, the mystery concerning the hit-and-runs at D Hill grew even more plotty. Now, rather than simple accidents, it seems like these hit-and-runs are actually premeditated. In fact, they might be absolute sham accidents, though that’s still up in the air. But thankfully, Mayumi the Seer and the boys are on the case. So what will happen in Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 12? Who knows! But you can be sure that this finale will go out with an opulent bang!
Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 12 opens up after Mayumi’s near run-in with remarkably unremarkable student Yokuya. It almost immediately becomes clear that, at the most crucial moment, Yokuya looked away and towards his phone, creating a rather frightening, intentional incident that could have genuinely hurt Mayumi. It’s a genuinely tense moment, especially since Yokuya sits next to Mayumi. She’s terrified of being actually murdered, and her fear is palpable. In a series of opulent playfulness and over-the-top animation, the scene becomes diluted and weighty, making it clear that this case is different than the previous ones.
And then Sotoin suggests she quit the Pretty Boy Detective Club. But Mayumi is a true club member: she’s as much a boy as the rest of the members, and Pretty Boys never give up. So, it’s time to solve the mystery, once and for all. Not just as a member of any club, but as a pretty boy and a detective!
That said, that’s not the only problem in Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 12. There’s still the matter of the student council election, which Mayumi is currently still very much so involved in. In fact, Mayumi is in second place, which is comedic in its own right. Still, she has a fierce foe in Yokuya, who seems determined to hunt her down at all turns until the election is said and done. All of this works together to provide a rock-solid foundation for a splendid finale that just feels really good.
Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 12 balances comedy with drama and genuine emotionality. It’s the culmination of weeks of character development, stylish animation, and grand machinations on behalf of the Pretty Boys. Better yet, Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 12 is lushly animated, providing the perfect backdrop for this penultimate episode. In fact, I’d say that Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 12 is the prettiest episode to date, and that’s going up against the premiere, which was gorgeous in its own rights.
I’ve genuinely enjoyed my time with Pretty Boy Detective Club, despite the fanservice and hiccups along the way. That said, I don’t think this series will be remembered beyond this cour, especially if you’re not already invested in the novels. For me, I feel eager to pick up the novels and dive right in, especially since each novel seems to focus on a single case. In addition, I really look forward to fleshing out the events of the anime with knowledge from the source material.
All in all, I recommend watching Pretty Boy Detective Club, especially if you want a show that seems like all fluff but actually is quite moving at times. Come for the opulence, stay for the genuine friendships, solid comedy, and gender play. Know that there’s definitely some uncomfortable fanservice that draws on the source material. Also, know that this isn’t a show you can passively watch either. Honestly, just leave your assumptions at the club room door, and go along for the ride. I think you’ll find a genuinely enjoyable and very bingeable series.
Pretty Boy Detective Club is now streaming on Funimation.
Pretty Boy Detective Club, Episode 12 — “The Pretty Boy on D. Hill (Part 3)”