However, the biggest challenge that Kit faces isn’t the hellish landscape or its mutated inhabitants; it’s her ever-shifting relationship with Dez. Throughout the first two issues, Pepose has seeded a growing rift between the two, fueled by Kit’s own discoveries about the Scouts and Dez’s growing insecurities over his father and his feelings for Dez. It’s this primal, emotional material that is just as much of a draw as the post-apocalyptic action, and Pepose nails it with his script.
Casalanguida and Milla also sell the emotional work through their artwork. Casalanguida draws most of the issue in closeups which lets the reader sees the characters’ emotions upfront. Whether it’s Kit’s horrified or saddened looks or Dez’s anger, the emotions come through and they feel authentic. But Casalanguida also doesn’t skip out on the action; the sequence with the suicide hornets is a standout. The hornets themselves have a jet black carapace and glowing green eyes-continuing with the trend of heavily irradiated animals in the series-and instead of regularly stinging people (which would be frightening enough) they fire radioactive venom, which explodes when it hits the ground. And that’s not even counting their Queen, whose brain takes up half her body!
Going hand in hand with the emotional elements of the book is Milla’s coloring. The scene with the suicide hornets takes place during the day, which adds to the horror-readers will be able to see how big the hornets are, and the danger they pose. Another scene takes place during the night and features a mix of muted colors which underlines the horror Kit is going through. Mangual’s lettering is bold and inventive, even taking the place of a panel on one page (though readers will have to squint to make out the word and its spelling.
Scout’s Honor #3 puts its protagonist through challenges both mental and physical, leading to a nerve-wracking cliffhanger that promises to change the trajectory of the series. This comic has continued to impress me and is fast climbing up my personal “must-read” list every New Comic Book Day.
Scout’s Honor #3 is available wherever comics are sold.
Scout’s Honor #3
Scout’s Honor #3 puts its protagonist through challenges both mental and physical, leading to a nerve-wracking cliffhanger that promises to change the trajectory of the series. This comic has continued to impress me and is fast climbing up my personal “must-read” list every New Comic Book Day.