Supernatural anime series have been around for a long time showcasing the genre with various stories and styles.
Search Results: Netflix anime (505)
The fall anime 2024 season has begun and we have first episode impressions on eleven of the new anime streaming this season.
Jamaal Williams, NFL RB and anime enthusiast, channels anime’s resilience into gridiron success, bridging fandoms and inspiring fans with his passion.
Atlas is pretty and Lopez continues her run as a competent action star, but the film badly wants to be an anime without any worldbuilding.
Here are the best MAPPA anime series, from the explosive Jujutsu Kaisen to the more introspective and grounded Kids on the Slope.
There have been many recent gay anime series to watch and some classics worth revisiting, here is a watch list to get you started.
Rainbow Six: SMOL delivers a humorous roguelite experience as players complete missions to level up their character and free a fantasy world
Here are 15 of the most must-watch, addicting romance anime to stream from ‘Given,’ ‘My Dress Up Darling,’ ‘Skip and Loafer,’ and more.