In Chainsaw Man Volume 4, from VIZ Media’s Shonen Jump imprint, the series doubles down on its high stakes and violence but brings more too.
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Capturing chapters 17 through 25, Chainsaw Man Volume 3 has Denji trying to achieve his next goal, a kiss with Himeno – and with tongue.
Chainsaw Man Volume 2 adds more lore and showcases some top-tier body-horror action from VIZ Media and mangaka Tatsuki Fujimoto.
Leading up to Chainsaw Man Volume 1’s debut, we got the chance to speak with Alexis Kirsch, Deputy Editor in Chief of Weekly Shonen Jump.
VIZ Media is getting its horror on just in time for spooky month with Chainsaw Man Volume 1 from mangaka Tatsuki Fujimoto.
For all of its do-it-yourself charm, Chainsaws Were Singing falls onto its own chainsaw by letting its own bit drag out far past its prime.
Shonen manga has long been a cornerstone of Japanese pop culture and entertainment. Here’s a list of the best ongoing Shonen titles you can read now
Tokiyuki and Genba make a daring escape as we learn more about Takauji’s formidable strength in The Elusive Samurai Episode 6.