Dragon Quest Episode 10 does what a good transition episode should: build rapport among its characters and lay foundations
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I’ve been pretty neutral about Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai, but this week’s execution of Popp’s character arc in Episode 9 had me cheering.
Fans have a lot to be happy about this week. With Dragon Quest Episode 8, the anime presents its most layered 20 minutes yet.
Dragon Quest Episode 7 took a break from action to have a more character-focused episode. This was a great decision, as Maam is possibly the best character.
Dragon Quest Episode 6 finally introduces Mann, and she is already a blast with cool gear and an the promise of an intriguing backstory.
Dragon Quest Episode 5 will surely have a bigger emotional impact for viewers with nostalgia for the old series, but it is a solid episode nonetheless.
Dragon Quest Episode 4 is the best so far. Fantastic animated fight scenes and a welcome does of heightened stakes push the show off of its plateau.
Dragon Quest Episode 3 has a training arc that doesn’t have much spice, and the show is so paint-by-the-numbers it is unlikely to attract many new fans.