Wolverine #2, written by Benjamin Percy, illustrated by Adam Kubert, colored by Frank Martin, and lettered by VC’s Cory Petit, is published by Marvel Comics. After the events of Wolverine #1, Logan reels with the fact that the Flower Cartel brainwashed him into killing his fellow X-Force members, he teams with CIA Agent Jeff Bannister to track them down. Meanwhile, the Cartel’s psychic enforcer, the Pale Girl, continues to terrorize other members of the X-Men and the CIA.
Wolverine #2 continues its deep dive into the titular character’s psyche, particularly his guilt over killing his teammates and his desire to take down the Flower Cartel by any means necessary. Though he may play the part of the gruff loner, Wolverine deeply cares for his fellow mutants and would kill anyone who tried to hurt them. When that person turns out to be him, it cuts deep to his core. Percy truly understands what makes Wolverine tick and showcases that via dialogue and internal monologue. He also understands that just because Wolverine can heal and the X-Men have their Resurrection Protocols, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be trauma. Wolverine relives the murder of his teammates, and the look on his face when he wakes up is haunting.
He is helped in this endeavor by Kubert’s art. Kubert is no stranger to Wolverine, having previously drawn him in a variety of series, including Ultimate X-Men and Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine. The duo brings the full weight of their talent in a scene where Wolverine approaches Cyclops in Krakoa’s hatchery. Wolverine, head bowed, stands apart from Cyclops and promises to “make things right.” Martin’s colors throw him into shadow, lit by the soft orange light of the Hatchery. Cyclops says nothing, but you can feel the tension between him and Wolverine. And Wolverine’s promise to Cyclops is a shining example of his everlasting quest for redemption; he’s trying to be a better person, and every roadblock only strengthens his resolve.
Kubert also gives dimension to new characters, Agent Bannister and the Pale Girl. Bannister looks like the total opposite of a typical FBI Agent, with his stringy blond hair, Hawaiian print shirt, and potbelly. However, he has a sharp mind and is able to come up with several strategies for dealing with the Cartel. The Pale Girl, on the other hand, looks like something out of a nightmare. As befitting her namesake, she is ghostly white with glowing violet eyes. And she appears without warning, using her psychic powers to make her victims kill themselves or their loved ones. It’s a terrifying new foe for Wolverine; this is a problem he can’t stab, and she is able to turn him against his allies.
Wolverine #2 is a compelling look into the mind of one of the greatest X-Men and features a creative team that is firing on all cylinders. Percy and Kubert have a deep understanding of this character and use that to craft a story that plays into his greatest fears and give him a new enemy. This is slowly shaping up to be one of the best titles from the Dawn of X and I can’t wait to see what future issues bring.
Wolverine #2 is available wherever comics are sold.
Wolverine #2
Wolverine #2 is a compelling look into the mind of one of the greatest X-Men and features a creative team that is firing on all cylinders. Percy and Kubert have a deep understanding of this character and use that to craft a story that plays into his greatest fears and give him a new enemy. This is slowly shaping up to be one of the best titles from the Dawn of X and I can’t wait to see what future issues bring.