Superman Up In The Sky #1 is the first of a 12-issue miniseries published by DC Comics, written by Tom King, illustrated by Andy Kubert, inked by Sandra Hope, colored by Brad Anderson, and with letters by Clayton Cowles. In the issue, Batman contacts Superman to help out with a family murder in Gotham City. A little girl is in the hospital but she survived to tell how her family was killed. Alice is another survivor. However, she has been kidnapped by the murderer and taken away. Unlike Batman, Superman can leave Earth and track her down.
Superman Up In The Sky #1 forces Superman to question whether or not he should travel to space in search of a single missing girl. As he investigates to learn about the murders and kidnapping, Green Lantern and Batman step in to help Superman to figure out where Alice might be. Batman advises the Man of Steel to handle this just like any case. He needs to find clues and see where they take him.
Superman Up In The Sky #1 becomes tedious at this point. Superman is no stranger to soaring off into space to fight villains or handle alien invasions. He has left Earth in the past without such a moral dilemma. Superman wastes time trying to come to grips with whether or not he should go to save one life. Superman’s greatest asset, his selflessness, seems diminished at this point. He appears more like modern heroes who doubt their every move. It detracts from the story and the character.
Superman’s greatness is another problem. Superman does wonderful deeds. However, he does so simply because he is Superman. It, unfortunately, has no meaning without further explanation. Green Lantern can just as easily handle an extra-galactic affair, as could a few other superheroes on Earth. Superman travels to the planet Rann. The plot moves forward there, but the problem of Superman’s vague greatness goes on. It is nice to visit a stable planet of the DC Universe as Superman goes there to garner the next clue, but obtaining it is made to seem improbable. He endures because he is Superman. He offers a more humble explanation. But, it is not necessarily a better one. Overall, it drags down the plot of an otherwise good tale.
King writes a compelling story that could continue to be interesting. Sadly, the first issue doesn’t quite hit the mark. Kubert is a bold artist and he draws a great number of one-page splash panels. Each of the panels are eye-catching. He illustrates a myriad of threats and scenes for the Man of Steel. Hope is a solid inker. Her work strengthens Kubert’s art. Anderson is an attentive colorist that creates energy in the panels. Cowles is an exceptional letterer. His word balloons are neat, nice, and orderly.
Overall, the issue is an action piece with a mystery tale interwoven. The plotting is good. But, it could be told with any number of DC heroes and still be enjoyable. The story was originally published in the Superman 100-Page Giant for Walmart stores.
Superman Up In The Sky #1 is available now wherever comic books are sold.
Superman: Up In the Sky #1
Superman: Up in the Sky is an action piece with a mystery tale interwoven, but it could be told with any number of DC heroes and still be enjoyable.